I renounce every evil and malignant verdict sanctioned by hell against my health, emotions, finances and relationships in Jesus Name. May every evil plot and wicked agenda secretly working to foster my demise be rooted out by fire in Jesus Name. Father I ask You to rain down eternal burnings on every stronghold of evil positioned in the heavens against my time upon the earth. I command all evil dialogue and satanic inspired conversation concerning my life to cease in the Name of Jesus. All evil chatter and whispering circulating through any spheres of influence be destroyed in Jesus Name. Any hell bent communications by those of authority seeking to plant bad seed in the hearts and minds of the innocent against me die by fire in Jesus Name. I decree condemnation comes upon all works of evil programmed against me by slander and gossip in Jesus Name. I curse all evil momentum festering in the realm of darkness to kill my influence and stigmatize my life in Jesus Name.
Father, I ask You to expose and judge every evil portal that’s opened over my life and promoting the trafficking of failure and ruin in Jesus Name. I decree, that by the blood of Jesus every evil ordinance and satanic handwriting; actively working to violate my purpose on the earth, is rendered ineffective in Jesus Name. I renounce all evil conjuring against my spouse, children, extended family and affiliates in Jesus Name. I command angelic displacement upon every evil confederacy lurking in my future to sabotage connections and divine appointments in Jesus Name. Father, I ask You to set me free from every evil scheme concocted in my blood line through evil pacts and agreements with dark deeds by those who came before me in the Name of Jesus. I command a severing of all appetites and ties working in me for evil in Jesus Name. I decree doors in my life are closed to all interactions and engagements meant to release evil in my life. Father, give me wisdom to accurately discern any hidden works of evil in my life where I have subjected myself to prejudices towards others and rebellion towards You in Jesus Name. I renounce all forms of control and manipulation set against me by evil cohorts in Jesus Name. I decree access is cutoff for every evil item, evil issue or evil influence from my past in Jesus Name. I claim deliverance from the effects of evil speaking, evil deed and evil treatment of others I knowingly partook of. Father forgive me in Jesus Name.